Saturday, 13 January 2018

Twin flame tragedy....

The twin flame union, represents the Beacon, the divine light that illuminates, but this is only one side of the energy.

Since September till mid January, we came in contact with the dark side of the soul....

Negative energies from the masculine, was like an ink sack from an octopus. It polluted the fresh waters of the feminine.
It created great winds, and great waves in her life...
These events are real, and caused loss, anxiety, oppositions and tremendous stress..
The masculine energies were attacking the feminine...

It was critical,judgmental, threatening, aggressive, jealous and demanding.
The masculine is dealing with Control, learning and growing into the twin flame template...

He is not to blame, on the contrary, he has caused the twin to become closer..
The connection was tested, but it was a necessary step towards Union ...

Water rules over the emotions, and negativity can charge water. It becomes unclean, toxic and rancid.
The peace has been replaced with madness, instinct and suspicion.

The masculine is in reverse, litteraly upside down.
The energy is no longer warm, loving and supportive...
Jealousy was the initial trigger, but it has opened doors to violence, rage and anger.
The male energy needs to confront itself in the mirror, and make a decision...
It must choose love...

The feminine is facing the psychopath, the madman, the killer, the negative Archetypes of the male energy...
She is being hurt by him, but she is not a victim.

The feminine faced her low self esteem and her fears earlier, now she is facing her twin...
He has become her enemy...

Faced with the masculine darkest thoughts and emotions, she is not afraid, she is not running...
She is able to look at her twin, knowing that he could hurt her.
Yes, even kill her..
But she stand strong against the wind and the aggression...
Because of her faith in Love ....

She has made the decision to stay...

The trial has given birth to Trust, absolute Trust.
She was ready to die, for love.
The masculine has tested her resilience..
He can feel reassured that she will not leave his side..
For better, for worse, she will stay with him...

In a metaphysical terms, the feminine was prepared to die , and the masculine was prepared to kill..
In this inverted cycle of fear, he kills her and she is killed by him, because they are One..
It like a Greek tragedy, they did overcome great obstacles to be together...
In this drama and this madness, they are still One.

In the end, they both choose Love over Fear, because this too, must be a choice...
None of these scenarios will be played out in real life...
Only true love will come out of it.
It is as if twin flames need to filter any negative residues...
All what is left is pure love....

The feminine is gaining trust in herself and her own abilities, she is gaining strength...
The masculine has proven that he would do anything to be with her.
No longer can they doubt each other, the universe needs them both to be strong and steadfast.

Over the last 4 months, the twins were greatly tested, they had to endure tremendous trials...

He has affirmed that she is the One...
And she has come to Acceptance...
For the first time, she is able to accept she is valued and valuable...
She trust in herself and in his love...

Previously, the feminine was hesitant, she did not trust walking on the icy river...
She did not cross..
Even though the masculine was on the other side...

She did not trust him, did she believe she could be replaced? Yes...
This is where she felt unworthy...
She did not believe in her own abilities, or in herself...

Now emerging from the cocoon, the feminine is not yet in flight, but taking her first steps into her brand new skin..
Now both energies, have learned that combining masculine and feminine, means to be either in love or at War...
And the masculine brought great war to the feminine...
They need to know Peace...

The Universe is getting them ready for the next chapter...

Friday, 12 January 2018

A huff and a puff....

When it comes to our twin flame story...
Where are we now...

And it is a love story, but also a war machine..

Over the last four months, as Saturn and the Sun entered Capricorn, the masculine has been experiencing Jealousy...

He is like the wolf, who has been blowing hot air towards the feminine... He is huffing and puffing at her house, shaking her ground... Even though in reality he has nothing to fear...

Absolute love dictates that he is irreplaceable, she will always love him and only like everyone else...
He is her Soulmate...

So what happened?

The feminine simply became exhausted...
Problems in her self esteem surfaced, and it gave birth to internal conflicts.
The female energy always judge herself harshly, she has a tendency to compare herself to others.

Always asking, am i too fat/thin, how do i look?
Unknown to the masculine, the feminine energy flows always inwards, and low self worth, and doubts get trapped in the emotional body.

Faced with doubts and anxiety, the feminine gave up, not on the connection, but on herself.
The energy then looked elsewhere, for reassurance and flattery...
Especially, in platonic male friendships...

However this created a huge wave of negative emotions in the masculine...
Like a wolf, he filled himself with hot air, inflating his own ego, as he needs admiration, even if he won't admit it.

The masculine twin is filled with intense jealousy, growing in strength.
Eventually blowing a tornado towards the feminine...
This was not the reaction she anticipated...
The twin is challenging any other male energy now, that circulates around her.

He is affirming that he is the only one for her. He is asking absolute Faithfulness...
And he is manifesting what is known as the dark twin.

The masculine is scaring the feminine back into his arms.
He is both the wolf and the hunter.

Both fear and love, he is able to manifest both sides equally, and he is ready to scare his twin into realizing that she needs him.
His energy is forceful and demanding.
Yes, he is the knight, the protector and the shield but also the sword.
The masculine is ready to hurt the one he loves, and he does...

The feminine is left powerless like the 3 little pigs, and that is intentional, so that she runs towards the masculine, without protest.
She was only doubting whether she was worthy of love, this is no longer the case . She did not mean to harm him, but in her doubts, he read rejection...

The runner will often flee, or leave if they feel unworthy. They need to feel safe.
The masculine needs to be more patient, rather than reacting.
It is up to him to reassure and love her.
The feminine does not need to be scared into loving him. She already does, and always will.
They are soulmates...

There is no substitute for twin flames, they are One.

No other person can take their place. Each set of twin is unique.

By using Fear this way, the masculine has become the dark mirror twin.
Huffing on the female house, is no use when the door is already open.
Looking in reverse is what the masculine is projecting now, and he needs to understand her insecurities...
She will not leave him, or replace him...
In nature, males fight other masculine energies, and growl at their rivals, this is exactly what the twin is manifesting...
He is huffing and puffing at the feminine, you're mine...
Be warned, or else...

And the lessons have been learned. His jealousy has awaken the feminine.

She is running to the hunter, no longer preoccupied with her inner conflicts.
She is running scared to her twin's safe embrace...
All she longed for is, him and no one else....

For what is more scary than a Wolf?