Thursday, 12 July 2018

First day of water fasting...

The best way to approach any challenges in life is to get prepared..
So preparation is important for water fasting...

I usually fast twice a year at both Solstices, or a few days earlier.
And as a woman, i always start on the first day of my period, TMI, it's just what feels natural to me following the Moon.
If you are a man, just do what's feel right for you...
This year, i started on the 11th of July for the summer solstice, and will be fasting for the whole of 10 days, until the 21st.

Obviously the preparation involves getting what you will need...

- Lemons, keep them in the fridge so they don't go bad...
- Limes
- Apple cider Vinegar
- Herbal teas
I chose Peppermint and licorice,chamomile, and Redbush tea

- Apples, if you intend to make infused water
- Honey for the last days, of the fast

And obviously water, the most important part ...

You will need between 4 and 5 liters a day. that sounds a lot but you can use filtered water.
I find that it works well for me.
Because bottle water has so much pollutants, like BPA and plastic residues, it gave me headaches and made me fee sick, so i stick to Brita filtered water from now on

It's not ideal, but it works for me, and it means i don't have to worry, as i can drink as much water as i need...
It's better to adopt this method than to restrict your water consumption.
On this Fast, you must make sure you drink as much as possible...

Choose to drink both cold and warm water during the day.

Add lemon slices to your warm drinks, with ginger or Turmeric.

Add lemon juice to your cold drink, adding ice is fine as well.
If you feel hungry add The Raw Cider Apple vinegar, it helps so much and taste really savory.

You will also need Coconut oil for Oil pulling.

I simply buy a new toothbrush and brush my teeth and tongue with coconut oil, 3 to 4 times a day.
Oil pulling really helps at minimizing bacteria and soothes the stomach while you are on your fast. it also reduces gum inflammation and whitens your teeth.
I can't recommend enough cutting out your usual toothpaste in favor of a more natural product...
Some people have reported that they felt sick and nauseous after brushing their teeth on a fast, i don't have that problem with Coconut Oil.
It feels and taste wonderful and leaves you mouth feeling refreshed, but you have to brush more often, than twice a day. try at least to brush 3 times.a day.
4 times is ideal, to keep germs and bacteria from your gut, at bay...

I always make sure i have plenty of clean towels and clean sheets. because i like the feeling of taking care of myself.
That's an individual preference.
But it can make a difference as fasting is a mental endurance as well as physical...

Having baths with Pink Himalayan Salt is fantastic, you can also use Radox bath salts, and take long showers with Original source shower gels.
They smell fantastic, and they're Vegan. the natural Mint and tea tree, and Lemon are my favorite..

Exfoliate your skin with shower scrubs, or dry brushing.
I swear by Original source Mint and tea tree oil scrub, you will feel revived and ready to start the day...
I feel that i need to exfoliate daily, as toxins can also come out of the skin, so yes, you will need to wash more often, but a little pampering is always welcome...

Sleep a lot, have a nap, and stay away from the TV...
Read books, and be lazy, as you body will need to relax and adjust to the lack of food.
Don't overdo it...
For me the first day is always the lazy day, when i allow myself to meditate, and contemplate...
You need to prepare mentally, so having a journal at hand is a good idea.
Be sensitive to your body's rhytmn, you are about to take it on a journey for healing...
So be gentle to yourself...

Ten days water fast.... The reality...

The first question about Water fasting is, is it safe?

Yes, if you do it properly, everything works in balance, remember you are not punishing yourself...

A man will start to be in Ketosis,  within 72 hours and women within 48 hours, so there are some differences here...
It will also depend on your weight.
If you are overweight, you shouldn't have too many problems, especially in the first few days, as Ketosis means the body will live off its reserve, or excess weight for a while.
Despite the obvious lack of food, and occasional hunger you might experience, it should be fine for you...

For slimmer people it varies, but you should always listen to your body, if you are losing too much weight, some herbal tea with honey might help, especially if you are feeling faint...
It's not a good sign, so don't ignore it...
It means that you may have to break the fast earlier...
But whatever happens, trust yourself and be gentle...
10 days is usually safe for most people...

To water fast, means different things to different people, some will fast on plain water alone, which for me doesn't work well, because i mean to detox my body, not starve it...

I personally choose to cleanse using herbal teas, and lemon water with Ginger.
I also like to incorporate Raw cider Vinegar and Turmeric.
At the end of the fast, i may add Roiibois tea, also known as Red bush tea, with a little honey.
It is a more gentle and more effective way to detox, in my opinion, than drinking water alone...

So i will recommend things that are working for me, and i have to repeat that you mustn't starve your body of nutrients, because i believe it will do more harm than good over the long run.
Learning what works for you is key...

So why do a water fast in the first place?
Well it's simple actually....
Over time the body accumulate toxins, through poor eating habits, lack of pure water, and external pollutants...
That can lead us feeling lethargic, and drained...

Before there is illness, there are always signs that the body is not happy, and not functioning well...
Wether it's problems with the bowels, joint pain, headaches, intolerance to certain foods, the signs are there...

Through fasting , we are literally trying to reset the body to its natural state of balance.
Fasting is very Ancient practice, it was common in Egypt, and in Babylon, they even speak of it in the Bible...

By drinking fluids, we are trying to flush toxins out of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, intestines, and reduce mucus production, inflammation and bad bacteria in the gut.
10 days is the perfect amount of time, without damaging the gastro-intestinal system...
Don't attempt to fast any longer than 10 days, that is dangerous...

It is very important to remind ourselves that the human body is sensitive to change, and fasting is the abstinence of food.
All food, and that also mean juice.
That is extreme enough...
We need to be sensible...

We must not feel so deprived that the body will try to retain, muscle and fat to conserve energy.
We need to allow the system to relax and release toxins gently...
Don't force or put stress on your cells...

After a water only fast, most people gain weight because they have literally starved themselves, and  as they go back to normal eating habits, the body can not cope with the amount of calories that are now coming through.

Drinking water alone is definitely not for me, but water infused with apple or lemon and ginger feels so much more natural, and gentle on the system...
Herbal teas and fruit infused water provide the body with minerals and certain vitamins, vitamin C and B, that you will need in order to fight fatigue and compensate for the lack of food.

However it does not interfere with the cleansing process on the contrary, i feel it enhance the cleanse, because Lemon, Apple cider vinegar are amazing at detoxifying the blood and tissues...

Also there are emotional and mental cleansing that takes place, so you need to support this part of the journey as well.
You may prefer to read spiritual books, listen to relaxing music, write in a journal, or take long warming bath or showers...

Make sure your environment is clear of clutter and clean.
Have fresh towels, bed sheets, and light candle and incense.

You are here to celebrate who you are, and this is a wonderful way to reconnect to you body.
This is the shell you will have for the rest of your life, and it needs to be honored and cared for.
But whatever you do, remember never punish yourself...