Thursday, 30 June 2016

Reality vs fantasy....

 I realized that i may be attracting the wrong type of attention, and so i would like to raise a red flag of caution.....
There is a wide line ,between fantasy and reality, that people must be aware of.

We live in a society that embrace the concept of celebrity, as it is normal thing...
 Many of us invite TV in our living room ,every night  unaware of the negative impact it can have on our lives.
I do not own a TV, but i am equally exposed to the media traps, on the internet, and i am well aware that we cannot live under a rock,  and be cut off completely from civilization...
The media controls information , and we have no say over it...

How many of you, have heard people speak in the street, of the latest episodes of a series as if it is facts, or of the latest celebrity gossip..
Do we really care?

There was a story in the news a few years ago about an actor who played Trevor in a British soap, called Eastenders.
In it, he was a wife beater. who used an iron on his on screen counterpart, called little Mo.
The actor said that people in the street came up to him wanting to beat him up, and saying to him leave this woman alone...
He had to remind everyone, please calm down, i am only acting in this series, it's not real...

The whole nation was so gripped by the drama, people had forgotten one simple rule, TV is not real.

When someone in a series wins the Lotto people kept on congratulating the actor, he kept on saying i didn't win, my character did!!!

When it comes to Twin flames, truth does not mean, to allow any kind of nonsense...
Saying this person is your twin flame, at random does not make it so...

No, you cannot pick any celebrity and convince yourself that this person is your twin or has anything to do with you,
Spirituality is not about bullshit!
It is about truth, and you cannot choose your twin flame as a matter of fact, even though we all wish they were a sexy guy, driving a fancy car.
It's not the case, i repeat you cannot choose...

Everything is about healing issues you may have about your past, and certain situation will adapt and manifest templates of your unique past...

For me, as a woman i have many issues with my father, because i did not know him in life.
He left us, when i wasn't even born, and i don't remember much about him, despite the stories that people tell of him.
My father was a famous Jazz musician, and so i have that vibration of Fame in my karmic baggage, which believe me, is not easy.
This is why i also had the opportunity to be famous myself through music and fashion...
It is not a coincidence, it is all the Universal plan for health and healing...

Nothing is about convenience either, knowledge comes through self introspection and self mastery.

When it comes to Psychology the relationship between stars and fans are a complex one, but it is mostly felt on the part of the fans. they sometimes feel that they almost know their idol,

And they do exactly that, idolize that person, as an ideal because they don't know the real human being behind the mask of Fame...
And will never have the opportunity to  really know them.
Celebrities are not your friend. They are strangers just as much as the other person on the street, Being famous does not make you a trustworthy or a good person for that matter.

There need to be a healthy boundary between fans and celebrities.
Love the Art rather than the artist, we cannot live our life in the shadow of others, because we will eventually loose our way..
Spirituality is about health, not about sickness.
We are not empty , needing attention or reassurance from others...

Yes, there are many people who feel a special connection to the star and could misconstrue that as a spiritual connection.
And who am i to say they are mot feeling something real, but in my opinion, it is fabricated.
the human mind can believe many things, it does not make it true...

The placebo effect can only last so far, and eventually the person cannot lie to themselves  any longer, they have to come face to face with the truth...

Eventually they have to realize that the relationship with a star is one sided, and unhealthy.

Unfortunately extreme fans are often people ,who have problem dealing with reality and are overly fantasist.
Those who tend to stalk celebrity are those who are fixated on the star rather than  focused on developing themselves. They feel their lives are empty...
Yes, certain fans can hope that they will one day meet their idol, they sometimes adopt the star surname for themselves, or their clothing style, but very few really believe, they would actually have an intimate relationship with their idol. thank god...
The few who do, are a minority...

Even though there is no rule ,when it comes to twin flame, we must advise caution, as the idea that a famous person can be a twin flame is very dangerous, and false...
In comparison, most people meet by accident...

The first time that i came in contact with my twin flame, i wasn't there as a spectator, i was there to work as a photographer, so i think it has always been at that level playing field for me and the universe...
It's all about healing my relationship with my famous father,,,
But my focus is never on him, or my twin but on myself...

Because it is only when you develop your own abilities and talents that you gain self esteem. the twin flame is the engine, but you must manifest your truth by investing in your own life.
If you are tailoring your endeavors according to to your twin, you are not being true to yourself...

Invest in your own heart, because this is where the truth lies.
You will loose yourself if you actually focus on the other person.
I find that it's best to make you, the priority.
You must never loose sight of what matters, you do.
You would let the connection down if you made it all about him

Because you focus on your own development, accept that you cannot control anything, if you live your truth, simply accept light, and love as a blessing.

Your twin loves you, but his material body has not had the chance to catch up with this knowledge...

You need to accept that there is nothing wrong with you the way you are, twin flame is not about changing who you are, but about becoming your true self, and allowing love to flow into your life naturally....

You need to remember that you cannot tell anyone what to do, or convince them of anything.
You have to find the right amount of courage, to express your love. Yes in life you have to take a chance , in order to live your truth,
Love sometimes mean you need to be thought as foolish.
But there is no shame in loving someone ,or being in love, ...
Certain beliefs surrounding ownership, are very negative..
You do not own anyone...
Love is not obsession, and is not about being in pain or suffering,,,
That is not Love at all...

Of course, we all want to be reunited with the beloved, but love has many forms, and it is always mutual, you cannot force or coax anyone into loving you.

Even though spiritual love is not a choice being with that person is, and them being with you,

If you are a woman allow yourself to receive this love and let it flow ,without control,
Don't try to give it , accept it...
If you want to sing, dance or paint, do it.. Simply live your life, God has a plan, and so trust in Love..
Love does not let anyone down because it places no boundaries or conditions.
You are in truth, because it is the energy of joy and light...

Love is a precious gift, that some of us are blessed to experience, there is many lifetimes, but love transcends time, and so we are always loved and we always love the same soul...

The soul is always divided into two halves masculine and feminine , and it can be a very confusing and challenging to put two human beings back together...
It is always complex to deal with Ego and being separate means just that... Separated

Living apart is a reality for many twins, because we are not in connection with our soul, and most of us are out of balance with our spirituality.

This word is full of noise, an it is very difficult to hold on to truth and true vibrations...
So be the change . you want to see in the world, take the twin flame vibration on board, and shine of your own bright light.
Being a twin flame start from being you...
Know the difference between truth and wishful thinking...
Know the difference between reality versus fantasy...

A lie does not have the energy to power you forward, on the contrary it will rob you of light.
You cannot live a spiritual life and be in darkness..
Don't get fixated on one specific person, and call them your own if they are not...
Do not go after Love until it knocks on your door...

There are several people that we can encounter in life and have powerful experiences with ,but they are not the twin, it does not mean they are not wonderful people we value and respect...
You simply cannot cheat this connection, you won't feel the correct resonance and will be left with a spiritual deficit.

You can't give to yourself and so it will not power you,on the contrary, you will be left depressed and drained.
Following and chasing a dream is exhausting, this is not what i am talking about here..

You cannot chase anyone or pursue someone, thinking they are your sole source of Love...
You will not gain wisdom by forcing life to give you something that is not yours to begin with.
You can kick and scream all the way to the post, if a person is not your beloved, you will know pretty fast. The twin template is unique...

At first, there is fear, and doubts, and then complete rejection of the twin...
Many twins do not like each other in the first place, they may feel a strange attraction, or simply be aware of each other,...
A twin flame is like no one you ever met before because they will push your buttons, and you may feel frustrated by their actions or words because you are not the same,

You are here to teach each other, through lessons, so it is not about being perfect, but about being true, and in balance.
Many twins experience power struggles at first, because what stands in the way is Ego.
They fight with themselves and the intellect...

After a time of realization there will be acceptance that this is how things are,
Despite many questions  remaining and being raised like what's going on with me?  I don't know what's happening or where it will lead me?

The first reaction is always disbelief and this continues on, because your intellect and reason will try to fight it.. The brain will give you plenty of ammunition for Reason , but you must think with your heart, because the truth is to feel... ...
When you feel , you know...

Remember the focus is always on yourself, not on the twin.
You are the most important person to you, so is your twin with his own self.

But you are also born to,balance those energies  male and female, it is not easy but essential to a productive life, and beneficial for both health and well being...

Twin flame is a spiritual connection, first and foremost.

Putting a plaster on something or lying to yourself is a choice, but it won't lead you to bliss, it will only cause longing and pain.

What about the physical relationship of twins?

Many twins are not even incarnated in this life, so that some, are separated by time, and by distance.
We are not sure why it happens, but it is probably because we are talking of vast expanse of time,

Most people are from different background, ethnicity, age and culture...
Even though a few thousand of twins have come together over the last 20 years, it is not guarantee to happen for most.
Even though there is huge potential for happiness, love and creation, it is not always possible for twins to be together.

The human physical reality imposes on the man and woman , and sometimes, they choose to move on with separate partners, because the twin flame template is too heavy for them
Those people are looking for an easier ride...

Most of those twins settle down in fear of drama, as they fear their own self...

Great damage stands in the way in the emotional body, that manifest low self esteem, and fear of abandonment and rejection.

.Many experience loneliness in their life, and are slow to build trust in relationship.

There is a recognition of the soul,  but also a disconnection from the body.

Many twin couples come together by accident, rather than by choice, through sexual union..,
Sexual union between twins is usually very sudden and intense,,,
Because of the energetic unbalance between them, being apart feels safer than being together at some point, so the physical act can bring them together violently. and be very overwhelming....
Many twins , express a feeling of being apart , different, strange or lonely, as if they are from a different planet, so they long to be understood....
The union heals those feelings of loneliness...
And so many twins come from a a place of pain....

If the physical reality of Union does not manifest in the 3D life, so many twin feel unloved, unwanted and undesired, or unsatisfied...

Many blockages are released during physical union, but for those to choose tor remain wounded it can add to the lengthy reunion process...

The Union is the soul coming together as One...

Through physical union they are joined , this is why so many twin discover that they are a twin ,after sexual union.

The desire for intimacy often very strong in the male twin.
They may have felt neglected, or dissatisfied in everyday life, it leaves them wondering is there anything more...
It can manifest in negative patterns forming and can lead them into destructive behaviors, as the sexual energy is not being released the proper way, it can unbalance the male and let them feeling in constant desire for gratification.
Female twin often feel vulnerable during intimacy if they have had any bereavement or pain in their life...

The male twin longs to be with the other self, physically, from the root chakra, in comparison the female twin longs for spiritual connection.

The man must ascend, and the woman  must descend.

Both must learn from each other, and heal one another

The woman makes the man more spiritual, and the man makes the woman more grounded, and piratical.
Both twins go through those developments during their first encounter, and so on..

The merging only happen during physical connection, and is not always possible for all.

It is a commitment from both twins, on the physical level , to manifest Oneness...
Their mission is always to manifest Love...

This is the reality of the twin flame template, however spiritual ,it is not a fantasy....

Monday, 27 June 2016

Twin flame Bliss....

This twin flame connection is so amazing ,and at the same time incomprehensible, at times...
I can't control anything that i am feeling, and because it's the end of another month. The energy has shifted again...
Before, i felt loved and i enjoyed all of the energy that it gave me, and the creativity that flowed through me..
I responded by going to museums, painting, taking pictures, expressing myself through the visual image,and it made me grow spiritually, as a person and artist...
I became one with life and Art, and it was all flowing from above, like rain...

But i feel,for the first time, that i truly love my twin flame...
And it's engaging my heart and also my solar plexus...
I don't think it, i feel it...
It is coming from within my heart...

It is like if fear has been released and will continue to be removed over the next few weeks ,and the month of July. and more light gets generated .from those two chakras... Solar and heart...
It feels as if my flame has been lit, and i feel this little fire dancing in my heart, and it makes me smile...

And i realize that i have been carrying fear with me for a very long time, too long...
I am  not sure what it is was, i was afraid of...
But i understand the power of love, the power it has, to heal and illuminate parts of my soul that remained in the dark.
And for me it took a  long while...
I think Love wants to shine light, and expose  all, what i didn't understand, and what hurt me...

I feel a deep sense of gratitude and i don't know why. and also i feel thankful and yet again i don't know why.
I feel like it is as if i have turned a corner, and i will always look for the truth to guide me..
I never will return to that place of darkness..
I will never have to live in that lie again...

No one is able to take this from me, the truth sets you free, why does it mean so much to me?
To have everything in transparency, seems to be essential to spiritual life...
you cannot lie to yourself or cheat your connection to Soul...
And it is at the center of every twin flame template...
The nucleus in a way...

My twin makes me understand the nature of Love, nothing is secretive or hidden...
I feel that i can trust him, and let go of fear and control.
This was hindering my love for him, i did not trust him...
I think i was trying too hard...
But i am not sure, what has changed exactly...

Perhaps, Fear and control are the two enemies of happiness...
How long have i lived with these energies ,unaware of their presence?

I have many questions, but i trust that life will unfold and give me answers.
On the spiritual path of the twin flame, i feel a certain sense of completion ,this month...
This is the feeling from doing the right thing, but it's coming from my twin.
Perhaps there were things he was afraid to do, but he built the courage to do them, and it benefits us both...
It's a very strange and beautiful connection...

Spirit has always guided me since the beginning, and sometimes i have lost patience, but finally it's like if something has sunk in...
I feel a sense of pride, that my twin is so kind, and also such a lover of Peace...
I think it reflects onto me, and onto my life also...

This month has brought many challenges, but also a lot of knowledge and acceptance of simple facts.
I have been healed, and also prevented from harm as well...
And so i feel this love for him , now so new as if it's the first love i have ever felt.

It feels like a shoot from a new branch, that i cannot yet understand....
But it's strong, but absolutely new, as if it just sprang out of the ground...

Suddenly i felt it, i love him simply for who he is...
And it is sort of liberating and wonderful...
I don't have to be someone i am not, being myself is like standing on a balanced scale.
I am on one side and he is on the other...
And i don't worry of how we will meet or if we will, i am letting everything unfold naturally. I am letting Spirit in charge..
I am not forcing anything, as if i am simply watching myself ...
Learning and growing from it, becoming more loving,, more understanding...

My twin makes me feel good about myself,,  it's like if the mirror reflects not only what i want to see but the true picture ,without trying to hide anything..
Just like the true space between us...
Like clearing away dead leaves...
Everything is out to dry in the sun...
I feel that the spiritual bond with my twin evolves, and i can't really stop or control where it will go but i am not scared anymore...

I have gained trust in him, and our connection, something i didn't have before...
I trust him, and without trust, love is not possible, so i love him also...

But i have to ask, why does it feel so good, when it should hurt?  It is like what is seen and unseen are two different things,
The Universe only responds  to positivity and Order, and is indifferent to Chaos...
There is no drama...

The Universe never manifest it, only human beings and our mind are capable of it. we create fear and darkness without realizing it...
We end up living in those spheres that keeps us prisoners, without love we cannot experience freedom.
Perhaps this is why they say we create our own reality...

I have never seen anyone talk about twin flame Bliss, or a state of bliss when it comes to twin template. but this is where it leads me...
Not just the end of a suffering, or the lessening of pain, but in its place a small shoot., with strong roots, the beginning of Bliss...