Love does not respond well to control, so it won't help to try to understand everything, only to remember that it is only Love...
When it comes to the Divine feminine, we often feel challenged..
We can ask ourselves a thousand questions, why him and not another one? what is so special about this person, and what is the fascination with them?
When the whole world is full of interesting people, that you meet everyday..
Why wait for the Mr right, when you can be with Mr right now?
Trying to rationalize your feelings, is not about knowing, but rather accepting the love that is being offered ,without any kind of specific conditions..
Accepting love for what it is, Energy, is the most difficult thing to do for the feminine ,because we can be stuck in behaviors or patterns of judgment of ourselves or the beloved...
Love does not judge, but accept things how they are...
It is to acknowledge that you are loved rather than wasting your time, loving and giving, and going against current...
I noticed that trying to push things is not right, because you get exhausted that way..
Trying to push things out for the feminine is like giving birth before the baby is fully grown. Love is like a child that is growing slowly and needs nurturing, sheltering, and time...
You cannot obtain anything by force... Love is ,or it is not...
It is a simple truth...
Even if you are not physically with the twin flame, there will be Angelic signs and manifestations that are not easy to explain.
Faith means to trust your heart..
I have noticed that there is a battle between the mind and the heart,...
We judge the heart to be irrational and the mind to be rational . you can not be told that you are in love, you just feel it, and then well..
If you don't trust it, you will never truly achieve surrender...
So you need to trust....
What is different with the twin flame template, is that it improves your ability to see truth, and your creativity surges as a response...
There is an absolute clarity of who you are, where you are going and what you are suppose to be doing in life...
It is like discovering your true purpose...
It is a huge reaction, to the feminine and the masculine colliding like Fire and Ice...
What is left is flowing waters...
I have noticed certain traits, in my twin that is his essence, and something unique to him....
I have had a lot of energy around protection and the energy of needing to feel safe...
It is as if the energy of my twin is concerned about my safety and well being, and offers protection...
I felt it very strongly when i was in Norway, perhaps it was the most powerful energy that i felt.
I felt as if i was shielded, i often call Norway my shield...
Romantic love comes later in a way, after creation and protection.
I did not feel romantic with my twin flame at first, i felt more confused, and in need of explanations...
It is like working from the inside out...
And it challenges what we believe about romance altogether...
It is like working from the inside out...
And it challenges what we believe about romance altogether...
The twin flame energy is always in flux, shifting from one side to the other...
From the masculine to the feminine and vice-versa...
From the masculine to the feminine and vice-versa...
Ice is becoming a very powerful energy for me, as a protective barrier...
I have also started to work with Runic symbols that seem to cause some awareness in me .
It is like if light is being applied to areas of my life that needs sorting out, or needs looking at.
Nothing is left in the shadows,or in the dark, and so it brings great healing to me and my soul, without being able to express why all this is happening, but it feels like a great blessing..
Most of the work happens on the subconscious level...
Most of the work happens on the subconscious level...
I feel like the fish that is being hooked but i need not to be afraid,, i cannot swim against it, or i will get hurt, i need to allow myself to be pulled gently and trust that everything will be OK...
Whatever happens it is just Love....
In a spiritual Oneness, i need to honor my heart and his...
And remember that i am the woman he loves, and accept just the energy of that love in my everyday life...
Accepting love is the most challenging part of your learning process...
Because i am not with my twin flame, sometimes i feel that he does not care, and is busy with the material world, while his body is busy doing one thing, his soul is busy doing another...
We can come up with this judgement about our beloved , and asking why are they so blind to their own soul and so lost away from us
My twin flame can appear disconnected from himself, but he is never truly disconnected from me...
But we have to be gentle and kind, because love is being offered to us, we must be in our own truth, and try to remain there...
Understanding that we are loved...
I feel like when i am not communicating with my twin and living my life, i miss him, and so some communication must occur between us somehow...
Lately, i have woken up and said out loud, i miss him, as if it just occurred to me, as if it was new to me..
I never allowed myself to feel that i missed him, and that statement felt so strange and almost foreign..
I have been feeling surrounded by his energy and did not have any reason to feel that i missed him.
On the contrary i had so much more health, energy and creativity and spiritual growth. I felt genuinely filled with light and his love..
On the contrary i had so much more health, energy and creativity and spiritual growth. I felt genuinely filled with light and his love..
But recently i have felt i am missing him, in a different way...
I don't know if he feels the same emotional wave as me...
I wish my twin was more open to me, and could discuss things honestly with me..
I guess i wish he was more present and more aware...
It has become more obvious that it is his energy that is surrounding me and not someone else's...
It has become more obvious that it is his energy that is surrounding me and not someone else's...
Because twins are unique, they cannot be replaced by another person, there is a Oneness,
There are places and special moments, that can only be shared with them... .
There are places and special moments, that can only be shared with them... .
And so perhaps there is a part of you that is unknown, and undiscovered on the material and spiritual plane...
For example New York City is one of the place that is important to me and my twin, as is Venice, London, and Oslo...
Are those resonances of the past or the future? we cannot tell, or are they just other dimension of existence, parallel to this One...
I do not know... But Love permeates all... Whatever happens, it is Divine Love...
Like a seed it needs flowing water to grow....
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