This is what i realized, everything i have been told about twin flames, is total bullshit....
I think you cannot know something until you have lived it, and so i realized that people talk so much in the spiritual community, they speculate endlessly, but they don't seem to really know....
There are so many charlatans out there, because Spirit has become such a lucrative business...
It's hard to tell who is genuine and who is not...
Well , that is not helpful to people who, like me, have many questions that are left unanswered...
The only thing left is to trust my intuition and inner voice..
And the direct messages i get from my own dreams and guidance...
For me, Spirit is not something to find in a book, or a faceless being i can turn to...
Spirit is energy and it affects my everyday life directly...
I have gone through huge changes in my health, and my creativity...
And i was painting more than ever and feeling so inspired, and now after finding out that food is not energy, love is, i have found out that Art means nothing when it comes to twin flames...
All is an expression of me, and how i expand my own self, but it's not about Love..
Art is not love...
And my twin doesn't really care about my Art...
It doesn't interest him, because this is not how we are meant to each other..
I have tried to focus my energy on myself, because ultimately i had problems believing that it was coming from my twin. I rationalized that it must definitely come from me...
That i must be mistaken...
And now i understand it's not so...
And for all those who said you can live without your twin in your life, that you can communicate through time and space, man you're wrong..
Those people cannot be in divine love...
Love is a real relationship, when two people are physically together, relating to each other, able to touch each other. Twin flames cannot relate through food or Art, or anything but to themselves.
Union means just that, Unity, of the masculine and the feminine as One...
Twin flames are a relationship that is no different in a way than any other
You have to be together physically, or it will cause one or both twins immense suffering and pain.
I understand now, the loss of suffering is when you are together, because the suffering is to be apart.
I think that is the punishment that we must endure to be separated from the one single person that is half of you...
Because you cannot tap into another person's energy at a distance, you can't really heal permanently..
The energy will fade eventually..
Energy flows through the twins when they are around each other and when they can communicate through physical contact...
I guess this why we are told we must suffer from our sins. God takes away what you love the most.
For me it was my twin... and the journey is about returning to oneness with him.
I think at some point in my life, i have said that i didn't need him, and i tried to manifest everything on my own without him, i think perhaps i may have been proud and rebellious...
But one thing is for sure, i was so wrong..... but now i feel scared...
I have said many times, that i need to make me the focus of my life and i was wrong too. I don't think there is anything on Earth that i love more, or need more than my twin.
If you must live your life in truth and passion then he is mine...
I need his love, and i need his touch...
It sounds so ludicrous when people talk about twin flames and they say you can live apart from one another.
Oh yes, it's like being told to meditate and your dinner will appear in front of you, and if it doesn't , well it's your fault, you are not believing hard enough... That's crazy...
Spirit says, go to the shop and buy it, because that is the only thing that makes sense,We are flesh after all, and why would be denied food or water, when we need it to survive.
I need my twin's love and heat, and without it , i am dying in the cold, lacking energy and my health deteriorates very fast...
This is how it is for me, and it is frightening because i am alone with it... he is not here to heal and comfort me...
All i need is to be loved by him, but i am not in his arms...
Because to have his love is to be with him physically.
You do not have love if you are apart, because love is intimacy, and you can't make love at a distance...
So i miss his love....
Maybe so called spiritual people say Love is universal, and is everywhere and everything but i find it's not so...
There is very little of this energy left on Earth, that is why so many people are sick and the planet is so out of balance. I don't know why there is a tendency to sugar coat everything speaking to us as if we are children...
Twin flames is a relationship, between the masculine and the feminine. Actually everything is about a relationship to something or someone.
I am in exile from myself and my twin, and i think you get tormented for your sins, and it is not what you will do but what you have done, that matters...
There is nothing above divine love and there is nothing above the vessel that contains this Love which is my beloved...
Love is the key to the prison... we are not here to learn, for we forget everything, we are here to find the key to our prison cell, and that is divine Love...
No food or piece of Art can love me, ever ...
When two people are intimate and are in a sexual relationship, then you can say that they are One...
Apart, they are only separate...
Twin flames don't relate through food, creation, or Art.they relate through Sexual union, because there is is nothing higher as a communication.
It is what they call the sacred marriage, when the feminine and masculine merge into one body and one soul.
So are twin flames, they are born to one another, not to live apart but to live together as One...
It's so obvious, in a way, but some lightworkers say, you are One divinely through the Ether......
No! Electricity passes through the physical body and the skin, if you cannot touch each other you don't have a relationship at all, that is a lie...
You cannot create life by thinking it, you cannot create a child at a distance, who came up with this ridiculous fantasy...
Energy is the same, it must manifest through the human body...
I feel abandoned by my twin, because i am not with him...
Love is not to be abandoned.... So i don't understand about many things..
I understand that by making myself the focus point of my life, i simply feel my own energy and i deplete, because i am not receiving anything, i am just using my own...
I am blocking the flow of love..
What i felt from him is the opposite, i received love and energy ,but i was wrong because i thought we could be apart and i could use the energy to further my own life, and that being apart didn't matter so much. We were One anyway...
I was very wrong..
We are not One because we are not in a relationship.... we have a connection, that's not the same...
I thought that there was no road that leads to us being together...
And that frightens me, because i need him, and i wish he wanted to have a relationship with me...
Understanding that, make me feel really sad, because i understand that i am abandoned...
In that sense i feel very much unloved and unwanted...
I ought to make him the focus of my life,because when i do that, i find myself, and everything flows properly...
But being One with him, is to know him,and that is manifested through the physical, so i am left in the cold..
If i could say one thing to my twin, it would be this, is that i am sorry,, i was walking in the wrong direction...
Is there any way back to being together?
I don't know....
But that is one thing i have learned, Twin flame communication is primordially sexual, and physical.
It's not a story in a book, it is not a fiction....
Everything i knew, was bullshit....
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