Monday, 22 August 2016

If you can't beat them...

Walking back with your reptilian tail, dragging behind you, feeling like all this bravado was all in vain.

All that confidence, thinking, leave it, i can do this on my own..,,
And then turning a moment later, realizing i need help!!!...

It's not that as a woman i am misjudging my own strength, it is that i must not try to overflow to the masculine side , or i will become unbalanced.....

When it comes to the twin flame template, the feminine is always taking on too much..,

We are not expected to carry the world on our shoulders...

I think it makes us resentful in the end anyway, if we feel we are not being the masculine..

Love is not about sacrifice, working towards Union, is not about exhausting yourself,  giving endlessly, all your love to one man, and getting nothing in return.

Actually ,when it comes to the feminine, love is not about giving at all, it is all about receiving...

Many women feel that they have to give everything to a man, and give up something of themselves in order to be with him.
This is wrong...

The woman complains that the man never says i love you, and she thinks that by giving him seemingly everything he needs, he will grow into loving her...

But that is not the truth....

A man is not a little boy, and men are not to be treated like children, we are not their mothers.

What can transcend is that the man may become complaisant and bored, or may feel trapped, while the woman  may becomes needy, and depleted in energy

She may also become resentful. feeling she is wasting her love on someone who does not reciprocate.her feelings..

The woman may try to please the man, and do his every whim, but she will never be getting love, out of it...
She will soon get tired of it....
Affection and care are well enough , but it is not Love...

In fact this has nothing to do with Love, it is to do with control....

Some women may even feel that by criticizing and affecting the masculine self esteem, she will make him feel less attractive to other women, and he will be less likely to leave her.

Why is this happening?
It is because the woman nurture the man like a child, and does not inspire him to become his true self.

Some space must remain for growth.....
We are all guilty to want to heal a man's heart, when in fact, we must inspire him to heal himself...

By receiving his love, we make him feel strong. He feels valued,.understood and wanted...

Through accepting who he truly is, we do not weaken him...

Acceptance means i accept you for who you are, without judgment...

When you look at nature it is a simple truth that the woman is like a flower,who must receive, and the man must give a part of himself, and be received...
It is an exchange....

Everything is about simplicity and common sense, if the woman tries to give, she will become exhausted and unbalanced...
It is because the masculine longs to give, and the feminine longs to receive...

The feminine is not expected to do everything on her own, as union is about balance,
In Spirituality, we must  always consider the mutual aspect of the relationship.

That's the old dilemma of the feminine, she does not ask for help, but later complain she is not getting what she needs.

I truly believe we burden ourselves for no reason....

The masculine is here to support the feminine.
Always and forever...
Although she might feel alone at times, it is important to reset the definition of duality...

We live in a  modern world ,where the boundaries between male and female are blurring...

New terms such as fluid or transgender, are becoming part of out vocabulary...
Even though we all approach it with tolerance, i also ask myself. are we loosing our identities?.
Are we experiencing a gender crisis?

Because in fact, the  masculine and the feminine, energies, are fundamentally very different from one other..

One expands and one constricts, One is outward and active, one is inward and passive...

Becoming respected for who we are, is not an easy task...

If we follow the quintessential rules of traditional relationship, a woman is still very much a wife and a mother..
She is still seen as the nurturer...
When we look at Egyptian figurines of Isis feeding her son Horus, it is a simple act of Love..
A  mother feeding her young child...

The template of the 1950 housewife, is no longer viewed as viable for most, so as women we have been wounded...
Are we loosing our feminine power ?

If the feminist movement gave us a voice, it also spoke for us all, and i believe it came at  a price...
When women asked for equality. did they really get a fair deal?

Spiritually, the woman's equilibrium can be in jeopardy, if she tries to deny her femininity.

Because it is inward that lies her greatest strength.

To deny the womb is to deny the power of creation lying dormant within us.

We may be  as equals with men, but we are not expected to take on masculine roles.

Our whole constitution and metabolic rate is different than a man.. are we to deny the obvious truth?

Why would we wish to drive a tractor, or work on a building site?
What exactly are we trying to prove?

When we seek balance and harmony within ourselves. is it time to return to a state of innocence, and follow the simple flow of nature?

Perhaps more than ever we need to take on the guidance of the heart.

Love can shows us the gentle way, without having to force anything. We do need to forge our path ahead, but simply follow it...

All the doors that are left closed will remain so, if we try to use force.

Nothing can come from women we need to allow the masculine to take its place. and we must take ours, In a sense that without the balance of both the feminine and the masculine, there will be no order,

Love cannot blossom in Chaos..

Our greatest power is the ability to look within, and trust out intuition

We must act as part of a feminine energy, but allow the masculine to experience truth, in his own way for the man must take a step forward.

The divine masculine energy is the fire that burns bright, he is the scorpion, the snake and the spider, For the masculine power is about defense and the ability to heal...
She is the ice that must melt , in order to create the divine waters.

The feminine must never compete with the masculine ...

He is the reflection in the mirror of two halves and the reflection of herself..
But we must look through our hearts...

The most eye opening lesson, i have learned is that you cannot let go of your twin...

The twin flame connection resonates of absolute truth.

It is as if the actual universe only responds to that truth, and it manifests it very simply..

Be in the flow of the connection, and have a wonderful time with life, or turn yourself from it, and it will give you the most terrible time ...

This is how it was for me a first..
And i came to fear Spirit wrath, if i didn't follow Divine Love and live in truth...
Now. i am starting to enjoy the feedback i get from Spirit, because i am starting to feel a sense of purpose, but it was not always so.....

The One feels very meaningful and purposeful ,especially in the context of  a relationship.
And i have come to accept that this is a journey....

It's sort of reassuring that the Universe works to bring the two side of the soul together.

All you need to do is surrender to that truth, and remember that the Universe does not make any mistakes..

Believing that i needed to make me the focus, of my life and resisting the connection, has brought me many challenges and difficulties, on the emotional and the material plane..
Honestly , it as brought me nothing but trouble.....

It is what you would categorize as bad luck...
Yes, when i walk away from the connection , i get  terrible luck.
Also watch out if you are telling lies even small, this connection does not allow it!

Money disappears, my car gets damaged, a project gets cancelled at the last minute, i buy something and it's broken, someone steals from me, you name it, i feel like i am under a terrible black cloud,..

On the contrary, when i make my beloved and our connection, the center of my life, everything flows properly, and i get good luck, events and surprises, serendipity you would call luck.
I win at games of chance, and i get amazing help from the universe...
But go against the flow.... And every time, troubles ahead...,
Everything is energy....

It is as if Spirit and the Universe are chastising me, and disciplining me like a naughty child.

It is like, you are being disobedient and it is exactly how it feels ; when i go against the twin flame energy, i am being rebellious...

And Spirit immediately taps me on the fingers, and lets me know., this is not going to happen...
 I have become almost fearful of  those manifestations...

I feel very much that Spirit is very active and very present, during this time of re connection.

Everything you live becomes about that...
It is not to learn exactly,  but more to reconnect to that state of divine state...

It means you have to rethink about the beloved, because it is not contained into what they do or what they look like..
 As the relationship with the twin evolves, it is mostly physical , and not through food, creativity or Art.

Twin flames do not relate this way..

Obviously there are many forms of communication between human beings in general, and Art is a way to share your views and expand your creativity but it is not purposeful or meaningful when it comes to twin flames.

It is like spending a lot of time and money on clothes, when the twin connection is about intimacy and honesty. It is about striping everything bare.

It is shedding the layers of your characters and taking everything off.

In order to become One with your twin,you cannot have secrets between the two, the communication is all about truth,and so as we are naked in flesh , we are also naked spiritually and emotionally.

There is no place for masks anymore, despite the fact that we need to be different people for others.
With the twin we are only ourselves, in our most intact energy of Love.

Oneness cannot happen without this truth.

The man and the woman, must be as One, open to each other, it is like a phone call from somewhere distant, it is a unique communication...

In  Divine Union, there is no interference between the twin. they are One, free from fear and opposition.

There is no more space between the two halves of the soul, there is no more space between them.
No one and nothing between this love.

This is why they say let no one put asunder what God has made whole, and brought together...

This is the promise of the freeing of the soul from its chains and  bonds.

It is not our flesh that imprisons us, but rather our inability to be in Love...

Love is freedom...

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